3 Ways Real Estate Online Marketing Can Help You Conquer the Internet

real estate online marketing

Communication is key when it comes to real estate online marketing. However, what makes online marketing challenging is the speed and ease of which the Internet changes. From the rise of progressive web apps, social networks, and responsive webpages, there is a need for real estate professionals to increasingly update their marketing efforts.    Ten years ago, a non-responsive website could work as an effective marketing tool. It did not matter if you had a Facebook account or a YouTube account. Plus, smartphone technology was still in its infancy. A REALTOR® could solely use his or her pager and an email account, and still market [...]

How to Find Interested Sellers During Low Inventory Season

real estate lead generation

Our Real Estate Lead Generation team shares 5 tips for finding sellers during low inventory season.  --  The housing market has hit a rough patch. Real estate marketing analysts have been abuzz about the possibility of a real estate market slowdown since Spring, 2017. This trend is predicted to continue as we enter 2018.    Fewer houses are being sold this year than they were last year. But trying to find sellers during unpredictable times may not always lead to dead ends. With the help of the right tools and strategies, you can easily find interested sellers during low inventory season.  Here’s how.    1. [...]

7 Twitter Hashtags Every REALTOR® Should Follow

real estate lead generation

Real estate lead generation– discover the 7 hashtags that top-producing REALTORS® are following and including in their social media campaigns. ---   Real Estate Hashtags act as useful filters of information on Social Media for home buyers and sellers and REALTORS® and brokers. They are commonly used to target social media users by interest(s) and geographical area as well as to participate in ongoing social media chats. Many social media channels have a trending topics list and that allows users weigh in their thoughts when the time is right.  As experts in real estate lead generation, we compiled a list of top 7 hashtags [...]

Top Two Common Mistakes Real Estate Companies Make Online, and How to Fix Them

real estate social media marketing

Real estate companies may limit themselves online, especially in how they reach potential clients. After all, real estate is thought to be a people business. Sure, you can generate leads online, but the real deals happen when you meet prospective home owners and sellers in your office.     The Mistakes:   1) Limited Visibility    Maintaining an effective online presence goes beyond just hosting a website and creating social media accounts. To be more visible as a real estate company, you need to update your website with current information, maintain a weekly blog, and respond to queries on social media that pertain to [...]

How to Dominate the Real Estate Game with Hyperlocalism

local real estate marketing

Real Estate Leads - 4 proven ways top producers can continue to dominate the real estate game in their communities with Hyperlocalism.   There is a new phenomenon emerging in real estate marketing and it is called Hyperlocalism. Hyperlocalism is the practice of marketing oneself as the expert/specialist in one or more geographic areas or niche markets. Real estate agents across the country tout it as the new way of doing business in the digital age as the results have proven to be dynamic. Indeed real estate agents and marketers, who want to dominate the real estate game in their neighborhood, should take this phenomenon seriously. That is [...]

Real Estate Leads-How to Increase Referrals with Social Media

real estate social media marketing

Our Real Estate Marketing Company identifies 5 ways you can increase referrals to your website using social media marketing. -- Most REALTORS® who invest in real estate marketing have one goal in mind, and that is to generate leads by increasing the traffic to their website. Various tactics are available to accomplish this goal: search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), content marketing (i.e., blogging), social media marketing etc. It takes a savvy marketer to know when to appropriate which tactic at which time and for what purpose. The one tactic that is often overlooked by REALTORS® is social media marketing [...]

5 Fool-Proof Mobile Marketing Tips for REALTORS®

real estate mobile marketing

Our Real Estate SEO experts offer tips all REALTORS® must keep in mind when optimizing their website for the optimal mobile experience. Did you know? The average customer connects to the Internet via five or more different devices.    The majority of real estate agents and brokerages in the Greater Toronto Area have functional websites, but are they mobile responsive? A mobile optimized website is one that gives your visitors the best experience no matter which device they use to access the link.  If you open up a website on your mobile device and have a hard time navigating around because you need to pinch the screen to zoom in/out, [...]

5 Must-Have Features on Your Preconstruction Condo Website

preconstruction condo websites

Condos are great. However, there are advantages to buying early, like really early, even before the condo is built. Preconstruction condos are more affordable, and a better investment over time than resale condos. Why should a buyer purchase a condo after someone has lived in it when he or she can be the first resident of their own brand new condo?   When it comes to listing a preconstruction condo on your website, you need to present the advantages very clearly to prospective buyers. It is very possible that a potential customer will not understand at first why he or she should purchase a condo before it has been constructed. You need to [...]

3 Reasons Why You Are Losing Leads to Your Competition

real estate marketing, real estate leads, real estate tips

In the competitive real estate market, you cannot afford to lose leads. Blown leads are a loss for you and a net gain for someone else.   With markets on the rise, the real estate industry is becoming increasingly competitive and inefficient real estate companies continue to lose leads to their competition.   Here are several reasons why you are losing leads and what you can do to try and solve it.   Poor Social Media Presence There is no denying the impact that social media has had on almost every industry in the B2C world.   A large portion of the old-guard of realtors continue to try and resist social media, but this is a [...]

3 Ways to Turn Your Real Estate Leads into a Closed Deal

Real estate is more than just a game of buying and selling houses, it is an artform and it requires an individual who understands the art of dealing with people.   Buying and selling a home is an emotional and challenging decision for a lot of soon-to-be and current homeowners. When it comes to closing a deal, there are many things you can do to take your leads and turn them into a closed deal.   Follows-Up on Your Leads Whether you have an active lead or an inactive one, you always need to follow up on them. If your real estate marketing has generated leads for you, but you are not following up on them, then you are wasting [...]
