The Best Real Estate Landing Pages For Lead Generation

There’re many different ways to increase conversions when it comes to real estate lead generation. The biggest influence in a good landing page.
A great landing page must include call to actions, SEO friendly design, and a short yet effective description that entices the user to hit that CTA button. It is crazy how fast landing page designs go out of style and do not perform correctly to benefit the hosts main goal. In order to be successful and not run into this problem SEO and digital marketing specialists must always stay up-to-date in the ongoing trends of the marketing world. If a webpage does not follow these specifications, then unique visitor and conversions rates will decrease.
iNCOM has the ability to reach many potential clients with the landing pages we have created. Each landing pages provides with the necessary information that they are inquiring about. 
Here is a couple example of some of our landing pages are SEO friendly and great for lead generation tactics. 

Price Drop

Our price shop landing page is the perfect tool to use when a user wants to know when their dream home drops in price. Once they provide the area and distinctive listing that they are inquiring about that information gets sent to the realtor and the user will automatically receive  VIP email alerts. These alerts will give them insight into how much they’re desired listings has dropped and whether they should act now or hold off. The price drop landing page gives users instant access in under one minute to 100s of recently priced reduced listings in their local area. 

Neighbourhood Buzzer

The neighborhood buzzer tool is unlike any other landing page when it comes to buying or selling a house. This landing page gives users instant free updates when their neighbors are selling. It also gives exclusive information about their listings and most importantly how much they are listed for. This is a great tool to use for those who might not be near the area they would like to live in and or would like to move into an area they are not 100% familiar with. The neighborhood buzzer landing page is great for any person at any point of the real estate process because it has the ability to provide new information for those who might be looking to buy or sell a home. 

Free Home Evaluation

When selling a house the most important thing that a person should know is how much their house is worth. Getting a free home evaluation is the fastest and easiest way to know this. Anyone who is thinking of selling their home should have a home evaluation completed. Our home evaluation page will give users information like if they need any home improvements, suggested listings price and home value. The free home evaluation landing page is a great tool to use for lead generation when trying to acquire seller clients. This is because it gives real estate agents all the necessary information to understand where a client might be in the home selling process.


Dream Home 

The dream home landing page is probably the easiest way to find a house that you thought might be out of your price range. It allows users to set a radius on a certain town and/or city and lets them choose the type of home, price range, number of bedrooms and number of bathrooms. This information will then be sent to the realtor. Once the realtor has found all listings that are include all the specifications the user highlighted, users will receive an email displaying all possible listings. The landings pages relieves some of the stress of looking for a house as it puts their search on auto-pilot. 

Map Search 

The map search landing page offers a variety of user-friendly ways to make finding a house simple. You can search by city, neighborhood, address, school, postal code and/or MLSto designate that area they would like their future house to be located. 
It is also easy to use because it lets user narrow down their search to only see properties they would actually consider. This landing page is great for lead generation as it has an on page call to action which allows users to sign up directly without being redirected to another page. This minimalizes the possibility of having a high bounce rate.
When deciding on who your real estate website provider should be, there are a couple things you might want to keep in mind. Some companies will say and do everything to get you onboard with them but not prove their worth to you until you are stuck with them, but not iNCOM. 
Here we let the statistics do the talking and with 9500 satisfied clients on five different continents they are only saying good things. We also do not need to keep you under a contract that is why there is a 30-day money back guarantee if you decide otherwise. 
If you are looking for a boost in traffic to your website, you can count on iNCOM to provide you with plenty of additional business at a reasonable cost. At iNCOM Web & e-Marketing Solutions, we are well-versed in keeping your business ahead of its competitors. 
Contact us today to learn more. 

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